- Scripture
The scripture is God’s word given to humankind. It is inspired by God and is therefore truth with no mixture of error. The scripture consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. All of scripture bears witness to Jesus the Christ and is our perfect guide in faith and practice.
- God
- Humans
Humans were created by God and were made in His image. However, beginning with the first humans, we have fallen away from the goodness of God’s creation and chosen sin. The heart of sin is to set ourselves up as god thus ruling ourselves and our environment without submitting to the good God. The result of sin is a broken relationship between God and humankind. Every human suffers as a result of this broken relationship and the consequences of living apart from the good God are eternal. Humans can be restored to God only through faith in Jesus Christ.
- Salvation
Salvation is God’s way of healing the break that exists between Him and the humans He created. Salvation is a gift and can be appropriated by all who will come to Jesus in repentance and faith. The cross/resurrection experience of Jesus is the means whereby God made salvation possible.
- The Church
The Church is the redeemed people of God who have trusted in Him throughout the ages. The church can also be identified as a local congregation of believers. Christ Jesus is the head of the church and the church exists in the world today as His body living to do His will and spread His Kingdom. The church worships the majestic God, proclaims the scripture as the essential message of Christ, makes disciples as per His command, works for healing in a broken world, and creates a community of love among His followers. The church also practices the ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper as a memorial.