Mission, Vision, and Strategy
of First Baptist Church Jasper, Texas
Our mission comes from the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. We are commanded by Christ to be going to all the world making disciples for Christ. This includes teaching what He has taught us and baptizing those who follow Him. We are to begin this work in our own hometown but are to carry this work to the ends of the earth.
Our vision is a mental image that pictures for us the living out of our mission. Our vision is: “To see every life in Jasper transformed by Christ resulting in an impact in His name felt to the very ends of the earth.”
We have a strategy that we believe will guide us into God’s future. Our strategy is: “To shift the culture of our church to a disciple making culture.” Among other outcomes, this strategy will cause us to align the activities of our church around the making of disciples in the fullest meaning of discipleship.